Employee Turnover at Namecheap, Inc
Contributions to staff retention at Namecheap, Inc
Company Age
Company Size
Mean Seniority
About Namecheap, Inc
Namecheap is in the business of opening doors to online success. We make it possible for anyone to create a winning web presence – by providing easy domain name registration, affordable hosting plans, and all the best apps. We'll point you to site security and privacy products from the most trust...
What is "Avoidable" turnover?
Employee retention at Namecheap, Inc very similar compared to other similar companies. While retention is impacted by many factors. A lot of those factors are outside the control of the company. For example, factors like company size, industry, or required skills cannot be easily changed. Namecheap, Inc has an employee retention rate that is comparable to others with the same fixed attributes. Which suggests they may not be able to do much to change how long workers stay with them.
What is driving turnover at Namecheap, Inc?
Employee turnover at Namecheap, Inc is primarily driven by employee seniority and company size. The many employees with this company have less experience than the industry average. Junior employees tend to leave a company more frequently for higher-paying jobs with more prestige or for more congenial work environments. Namecheap, Inc has fewer employees than average companies in our database. Employee turnover at smaller companies tends to be a bit lower after accounting for other factors that affect turnover. This can be in part due to smaller companies being able to offer more growth opportunities. It could also be due to large organizations hiring more junior and graduate-level workers that typically stay with a company for shorter durations.
The numbers reported here are based on statistical analysis of publicly available employment data of current and past employees of the company. We determine mean tenure based on how long past employees have stayed at the company and how long current employees have been employed. We determine the annual turnover percentage as (1/tenure * 100). We analyse a sample of the employees at a company. We make an effort to sample in a representative way but some bias is unavoidable. Some types of employees may be overrepresented in our sample based on their job, their online activity, and their geographic location. We expect our number to have a confidence interval of approximately 1 year. In other words, if the mean tenure reported is 4 years, the true value lies between 3 and 5 with 98% confidence. Similarly if the average turnover reported is 20% we expect the true value to be between 15% and 25%.
We make an effort to report accurate information and to be transparent regarding our methodology. However, we make no warranty of any kind as to the accuracy of these reports. Use at your own risk. If you feel that any of the information reported here is inaccurate for any reason, please let us know.